
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Action Research 4 month Update.

The action research is underway but a little behind the schedule I posted.  The first six weeks of school have consumed me to say the least.  It is a good thing I plan for such and I still have some wiggle room.  I have distributed surveys and have received all of them back they are sitting on my desk staring at me every day. 


I have received a huge boon to my project!  It seems that The Director of Special Education Professional Development for my district, Shelly Bratcher. is working on a similar project.  She is working on developing co-teacher relations and has created a fantastic program to help those that are struggling to find a way to work together.  It is a three hour long course that even includes a one-on-one component for those teaching combinations that we have deemed “red lights”,  relationships that are completely dysfunctional, and in need of serious “marriage counseling”.  The hope is to get them to at least a “yellow light” and to get the yellows to “green lights”.  So not only do I have data to collect from my campus but I now have data to use from across the district as well as a very comprehensive professional development course that is geared specifically to my action research.  This was a complete accident but demonstrates the need for such research.  Ms. Bratcher is happy to help and completely willing to share data with me.  We have a meeting planned to share information and help me make adjustments to my plan. I don’t think things could have worked out any better.